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All-on-6® Implants

If you are missing multiple teeth and you are tired of dealing with dentures or other issues that come with having missing teeth, our dentist can give you a new smile with All-on-6® implants. Six implants will be placed in either the upper or the lower jawbone to permanently anchor your new teeth in place. Over time, your prosthetic teeth will become a natural part of your smile, and you will not have to worry about using your dentures again! This process can be completed in one day, so you can get a new smile in just one visit. Some of the benefits of receiving All-on-6® implants are:
• Speedy recovery – you can start enjoying your new smile almost immediately.
• No more hassle with dentures or other oral appliances
• Complete restoration of the natural function and appearance of your teeth – you can eat, speak, and smile with full confidence again!

If you have any questions about All-on-6™ implants in Tukwila, Washington, and would like to know if they are the right choice for you and your smile, we encourage you to call Advanced Implant Dental today at 206-241-5820 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Yongchang Choi. We are dedicated to your good oral health and your healthy smile!